Gran parte de los hechos y situaciones en las que nos vemos involucrados escapan de nuestro control, de hecho, son muy pocas las veces en que podemos afirmar que controlamos lo que va a suceder y eso no es seguro...
Queremos el control porque nos da miedo la incertidumbre, porque nos da seguridad pensar que podemos hacer que las cosas pasen como queramos...
Pero normalmente no podemos...
Por ello, lo mejor que podemos hacer cuando simplemente no podemos hacer nada, es respirar y confiar en que el universo sabe lo que hace...
Tal vez no podamos controlar el mundo, pero si podemos encontrar como sobrellevar lo que nos ponga enfrente...
Mostly of the facts and situations where we are involved are out of our control, actually, there are just a few times when we can say that we control what is going to happen, and that isn't even sure...
We want the control because we are afraid of the uncertainty, because we feel safer if we belive we can make things happen as we wish...
But usually we can't...
That's why, the best we can do when we just can't do anything, is to breath and trust that the Universe knows what is doing...
Maybe we can't control the world, but we can find out how to endure whatever it puts in our way...
Queremos el control porque nos da miedo la incertidumbre, porque nos da seguridad pensar que podemos hacer que las cosas pasen como queramos...
Pero normalmente no podemos...
Por ello, lo mejor que podemos hacer cuando simplemente no podemos hacer nada, es respirar y confiar en que el universo sabe lo que hace...
Tal vez no podamos controlar el mundo, pero si podemos encontrar como sobrellevar lo que nos ponga enfrente...
Mostly of the facts and situations where we are involved are out of our control, actually, there are just a few times when we can say that we control what is going to happen, and that isn't even sure...
We want the control because we are afraid of the uncertainty, because we feel safer if we belive we can make things happen as we wish...
But usually we can't...
That's why, the best we can do when we just can't do anything, is to breath and trust that the Universe knows what is doing...
Maybe we can't control the world, but we can find out how to endure whatever it puts in our way...