
An inch...

Este escrito corresponde a la carta de Valerie Page, personaje de la película “V of Vendetta”. A mí en lo personal me gusta mucho y a continuación transcribo la original en inglés. Espero perdonen mis errores por si algo no tiene sentido, transcribí esto viendo la película y escuchando lo mejor que podía, ya que por algún motivo los subtítulos en inglés nunca aparecieron.

I know there’s no way to convince you that this is not one of their tricks but I don’t care, I am me. My name is Valerie. I don’t think I can live much longer and I want to tell someone about my life. This is the only autobiography that I’ll ever write, and God, I’m writing it in toilet paper.

I was born in Nottingham in the 1985, I don’t remember much of those early years but I do remember the rain. My grandmother had a farm in Tottle Brook, and she used to tell me that God was in the rain.

I passed my eleven plus and I went in girls’ grammar. I was in the school when I met my first girlfriend, her name was Sarah. Do were her wrists, they were beautiful. I thought we will love each other forever. I remember our teacher telling us it was an adolescent phase that people outgrew. Sarah did, I didn’t.

In 2002 I fell in love with a girl named Christina. That year I come out with my parents, I couldn’t do it without Chris holding my hand. My father wouldn’t look at me, he told me to go and never come back. My mother said nothing. But I only told them the truth, was that so selfish? Our integrity sells by so little, but it is only we really had. It is the every last inch of us, but in that inch we are free.

I always knew what I wanted to do with my life and in 2015 I started in mi first film, “The Salt Flats.” It was the most important role in my life, not because of my career, but because that was how I met Ruth. The first time we kissed, I knew I’d never want to kiss any other lips but hers again.

We moved to a small flat in London together, she grew Scarlet Carsons for me in our window pots, and our place always smelt to roses, were the best years of my life. But the Americans war got worse and worse and eventually came to London. After that were no roses anymore or for anyone.

I remember how the meaning of words began to change, how unfamiliar words like “collateral” and “rendition” became threatening, while things like “North Fire” and the “Articles of Loyalty” became powerful. I remember how “different” became in “dangerous”. I still don’t understand it. Why do they hate us so much?

They took Ruth while she was out buying food. I’ve never cried so hard in my life. Not much long they came for me. It seems strange that my life should ends in such a terrible place but about three years I had roses and apologize to no one.

I should die here; every inch of me should perish. Every inch but one… An inch… it is small and it is fragile but it is the only thing in the world that worth having. We must never lose it or give it away. We must never leave them take off to us.

I hope, whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the world changes and things get better. But what I hope most of all is you understand what I mean when I told you that even know that I do not know you and even know I’ll never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart I love you.


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